Charging Port Replacement

If your LG G3 smart phone is not charging or if you have to wiggle 
your charger around to get your phone to charge it means that your 
charging port on your main board has gone bad. The tiny pins that 
connect the charging port to the board sometimes break off or do not 
make a solid contact so in that case we have to de-solder your old 
charging port and re-solder a new one in its place. Our technicians 
are specialists when it comes to charging ports and have the fastest 
turn around time and also guarantee our job for 90 days. 

Estimated Repair Time: 20 min
Original Retail Cost: $89 + tax
(-$20 in store instant coupon)
Repair Cost: $69 + tax
*In store instant coupons cannot be combined with other promotional offers*